Monday, May 30, 2011

The Project Begins - 1979 Yamaha XS 750 Partial Restoration

Sometimes the only way to stop obsessing and wasting time is to admit that you've lost your mind and go with it. What better way to explain spending $400 hard earned dollars on a motorcycle that's over 30 years old and barely runs? But there's just something about a sweet old vintage bike that comes from a time when we were both powerful with youth! The year - 1979. The bike - the Yamaha XS750F. My age the year it was produced - 21!

So while I spent months thinking about this project and what I wanted ...and how I'd convince my wife that this was  good use of time, money, and precious garage space, I finally saw something that looked appropriately old and cool - while also being pretty cheap. So the project begins!